About Us

We Are The Eastons…

Joshua Easton

I think that my first camera I used to death was a 3 (Three!) Megapixel JVC Camera. Dad brought it home from Singapore one year and he paid a fortune for it. The picture quality was terrible, and you didn’t bother taking a photo at night!

I then got hooked on film cameras — we’ve got 15 now — and burnt plenty of cash on film to get that one golden photo.

I gained a multimedia degree from Bond University in 2003, and have worked in graphic design and as a creative art director for a few years — designing plenty of brands, identities, packages and magazines.

There’s something about photography that keeps me coming back though — it’s the magic of light. Design is ordered, methodical, and rarely gives surprises. But capturing a photograph includes a mysterious element of surprise; light, shadows and moments seem to dance and play and I am more of a conductor than a technician.

Get in touch so that we can answer any questions you have, we’re looking forward to working with you.

Follow Joshua on Instagram — @joshuaeaston

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Katrina Easton

My real / European name is Katrina, but I’ve always been called Kate. I grew up in the northern suburbs of Sydney, and have been on the Gold Coast for just over 10 years.

Photography is in my DNA — my dad is a retired pro photographer who has helped shape part of my personality; creative & analytical. My German Great-grand father was a Pastor /Photographer / Bee-keeper. A long-visit with my German family made me realise how important documenting life & capturing memories is, and that this should be something I dedicate my life to. My camera was with me nearly 24-7, documenting everyone and everything, helping me to bring my memories home with me.

After returning home, I fell in love with Joshua and we got married! Meanwhile, I decided to do whatever it takes to learn and work in photography. Less than a year later, I was running a photo-studio specialising in Childrens’, Family, Babies & Maternity Photography — on my own! Ashford Studio gave me such an incredible learning experience in Wedding, Baby & Maternity photography, which helped me get that first photography job.

We hope you enjoy the memories & friends we’ve shared on this site! Contact us if you too would like to be one of them.

Follow Kate on Instagram — @katrinaeaston

[instapress userid=”katrinaeaston” piccount=”12″ size=”90″ effect=”fancybox”]


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